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Friday, Sept. 17, 2004 - 9:37 p.m.

Some things to think about...

I wish these people realized that Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" is about as threatening as the new kitten I want. More dangerous are the words it incites by those who make themselves sensitive too such fluff.

The "Lads" crotch narcissist yet again is panned for being childish and completely lacking in insight. I am surprised he even had the forethought to suggest he practices safe sex by placing a wallet with a condom ring on the front cover of his memoir.

This reviewer obviously never took my professor,RK's "Blurred Genres" writing class. I also imagine that her life is terribly boring to make her think that nonfiction and fiction rarely cross.

If you are registered to vote, are determined to vote, and plan on watching the upcoming debates, please please please, read this article . It might seem that it leans towards John Kerry, but it offers valuable information for both sides. Please, please, please, be informed.

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