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A Voracious Vocabulary
gainsay (verb) to declare false.

Knitting Addict
Fancy fair isle sweater for myself.

Thursday, Jul. 08, 2004 - 10:46 p.m.

Hello family and friends!

This is my innovative new "all you wanna know about me" update. Weblogs are all the rage, and I would like to see if I can stand the weblog test of longevity, interest, and sarcasm. If you find that I am totally unsuccessful according to these criteria, please email me to let me know that I am wasting your precious time, as well as my own.

You can only access this journal of mine by password, so I think you are pretty special and hope you will stop by from time to time.

My hopes are to update this journal regularly, especially as I begin my exciting graduate studies at The Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.

With that, welcome to my journal, happy to see you. Come back soon.


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