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Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004 - 12:30 a.m.

Once again friends, hello.

Over the past few weeks, which have been lacking in entries, much has happened. For one, my parents and I traveled to Berkeley, and I finally had to recognize that I do not want to earn a degree in religion.

During a stressful few days, my parents and I returned home. I have decided to seriously look into earning a graduate degree in English, specifically in creative nonfiction. More about this later.

At this time I am in Seattle, visiting my now former boyfriend. He, his brother, friend, and I ate sushi, had drinks and listened to some intense live blues, and then had decadant desserts at Elliot's. This has been a very pleasant night.

I will post more information about the blues performance, which was incredible. I believe I have never been to a live blues performance. I love the blues. I LOVE THE BLUES!

As of now, I am going to go to bed...and dream about the blues.


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