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gainsay (verb) to declare false.

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Fancy fair isle sweater for myself.

Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004 - 7:15 p.m.

I have become totatlly and utterly spoiled by living in the Pacific Northwest, where the weather barely dips to jacket-wearing weather. Now, my feet are freezing, and I am wondering whether my dislike for socks will last the rest of September.

My days remain busy, considering I do not have a formal job. Most of my waking hours are filled with applications, for jobs or for graduate schools. Oh, yes, graduate schools. This time, though, I will be applying to writing programs, and the proceess isn't nearly as stressful. It helps that this time around I have a good idea of what I am doing, enough to feel excited about my future at any one of the schools to which I am applying.

So far, The University of Iowa is first on the list. Iowa has the Writers' Workshop, which is utterly famous and to which I am not applying. I am applying to Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program and am praying I will be accepted so I can take the course on radio essays. NPR will never suspect the irrevrent ramblings of a smalltown girl from the West.

Tomorrow, though, will be babysitting the girl from across the street, SuperKidGenius, who has the tendency to give me looks that either say "God, you think I'm dumb, don't you?" or "I will crush your soul with the pure force of my will." She is also the cutest thing on the face of the planet. Still, entertaining a four and an half year old is more challenging than writing a research paper.

Really, how many times can one play Candyland and remain sane?

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