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Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2004 - 10:57 p.m.

I was talking to my liddle bruder just now, asking him to look up a phone number for me. While he was doing this, I found out that he drinks cheap beer (reason enough to disown him, luckily I love him) and that he has decided to set a Bush/Cheney '04 poster in his bedroom window.

I will gladly admit (despite the fact that my mother taught both Jeff and I that no one has the right to know who we decide to vote for) that I am going to vote for Kerry this November. The issue that decides my vote is abortion, choice, family planning, my right to take Tylenol without asking permission of an alpha male.

So, I asked my liddle bruder whether or not he is pro-choice (He did, after all, grow up alongside his sister and was raised by his mother. I doubt you can combine two women more fierce in their rights to control their own bodies.) At first he said he is pro-life, then he totally stopped, and I could hear the cogs rolling in his head, reworking what I had just asked him. Then he said, "I am pro-choice, bitch," to which I totally burst out laughing and couln't stop. I would like to see you try put two more contrary statements together. Then he became totally distracted by, get this, homework and said he had to go.

My liddle bruder can vote for whoever he wishes; he has a right to vote for whoever he wants concerning whatever issue he chooses. But that doesn't mean I can't laugh at him for the silly things he says. What a silly little bruder I have!

On a new note, I have decided to go public with my journal, since I don't really care if some random handsome, intelligent man reads my journal, falls in love with me from afar and attempts to woo me. Also, I think that it is probably a pain in the ass to type in the login and the password. At least, I think it is a pain in the ass because, yes, even I have to login to proofread my own journal.

No one needs that hassle.

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