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Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004 - 6:08 p.m.

I feel too disappointed to write any more than this.

Thank you, Senator John Kerry, for running a good race and doing the best you could to be allowed to serve our country in a responsible manner that is not being accomplished by our current president. I admire your courage as your personality and life came under fire on an hourly basis. I was terribly sad when I heard you give your concession speach but proud that I had voted for a canidate that, even in the face of loss, had his country's best interests in mind. Someday I will proudly tell my children that I voted for you. Thank you and all the best to you and yours.

Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004 - 11:27 p.m.

Florida: You are a beautiful state, but I didn't expect much from you.

Ohio: You better have represented for Kerry.

Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004 - 6:53 p.m.

I usually don't like to say "I hate...", but on this very special day, there are a few people, albeit none with whom I have personal relations, who I do hate.

Peter Jennings is at the top of the list. If he says one more word about who has won, before the polls have even closed, I will hunt him down.

I feel like I have a fever, really, of the medical variety. All this media coverage has made me feel ill. This election wouldn't have been half so bad had not the media acted like a bunch of jackasses fighting over who would get to pick the teams for kickball. Jon Stewart, you're our shining light, guide us through this tough time.

Here's some perspective:

I had a physical today, since in a little over a month I will no longer have any medical insurance. A woman who walked in in front of me was in tears, rocking back and forth in her chair, pacing across the room. I couldn't ignore her, I had to ask what was wrong. Her father was passing away today, unexpectedly, and perhaps has even passed by now. She was there to pick up morphine for him, to ease his pain. This woman said, "It will be okay, I know my dad will be happier with Jesus."

It is good to think that Jesus couldn't give a rat's ass about this goddman election; that more important things, like life and death, are going on. Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. You voted, right?

Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004 - 2:38 p.m.

I think I finally have everything figured out. And since so many of you are actually visiting this diary (HA! I have stats, people.), the changes are more for my piece of mind.

Happy Election Day! Please, don't forget to VOTE!

Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004 - 2:37 p.m.

This me trying a weblog style entry.

Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004 - 2:42 p.m.

It's link time!

depresses me.

I am trying to figure out why
trend scares me.

And, these guys, well, they... they... are what they are, I guess. I'm wondering what Mr. Foster was doing in the shower when god came and spoke to him. I sense that I probably would rather not know.

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