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Tuesday, Jul. 27, 2004 - 7:02 p.m.

After a short journal vacation, I am back. My first weekend in Montana sent me into a funk, where I did not want to put any effort into being cheerful or friendly, at least not more than I absolutely had to be. Plus, I had too much to drink Sunday night and spent all of yesterday wallowing in detox mode, swearing that I won't drink that much for a long time.

Today, though, my mother and I drove to the nearby town of Kalispell in order to find pretty consumer treasures. We spent a horrific amount of time in TJ Maxx and Ross's, but redeemed that with spending some time in a bookstore, which, unfortunately, is not known to be worker friendly. (I am sorry Rona, but Borders was right there!).

Another store I am not thrilled with but shopped at anyway is WalMart, where I witnessed a little boy throw the worst tempertantrum I have ever seen. I almost thought the world was coming to an end, beginning with this boy's face errupting in oozing lava, his off-tone screams haunting my afterlife. This kid's face was so red, his laments so unruly that I couln't help but think he had a serious anxiety disorder. I am sure that if I ever begin to deliberate on whether or not to have children, this event will come to mind. The Feritlity Fairy made a wrong move when she placed that little boy in my path. Just thinking of this event makes me shudder. Ugggh.

Next week I will return to this charming city to have a root canal, a procedure that should be fairly painless. When Jeff had his root canal, they gave him Vicadin, a gesture that I hope will be repeated with me.

My mother and I began listening to Elaine Pagel's book "Beyond Belief" on cd on our way home from Kalispell. So far, Pagel's is her usual insightful and clear self, even if her first chapter was a bit lengthy. Later, most likely, I will reflect on this book, which is a good read, so far as I can tell, for readers who are not even aspiring religion scholars.

Plus, it makes you think, and we all need to do that ever now and again.

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